Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Beginning

"The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action."
-Alexander Graham Bell

Like many, during these financial down times, I am finding myself looking for ways to earn extra money. I work a full-time job but that just isn't enough anymore. I considered a second job but because of physical restraints, that is not possible for me. So....hello affiliate marketing.

I had never paid much attention to affiliate marketing and I only had a bare basics understanding of how it worked. I knew you could put links on your website to places like Amazon but I never delved into it much. Then a couple of months ago, after trying to budget in the cost of groceries over the holidays, I realized, I needed to do something to help bring in more money. I still have no idea why affiliate marketing popped into my head, but it did. Thus my search began.

The first place I looked was Amazon. I knew about them because I had promoted some of their books on my personal blog and I also had AdSense installed. I looked up my account; nothing on Amazon but, WOW, I had a whopping, $5.86 in commissions on AdSense. I needed $100 to draw on the money, I wasn’t even close. So, I started my adventure to making enough money to supplement our household income.

I will tell you first off, there are "thousands" of sites with information on affiliate marketing out there and most of them want to charge you for their hard earned knowledge. Some of them wanted a small fortune. I did fall prey to one of them; cost me $50 for the information. When I review this program, I will post my results.

It took me two months to find any pearls in that sea of information or ones I thought would be doable without spending a bunch of money. I figured other people were finding it difficult as well. So, I decided to start this blog and take my readers, step-by-step with me on this adventure. I will report what I learn and what I find, without charging you for the information. And if you want to help me in my search, "please" email me, I would love to have some partners.

If you think you are going to do this without investing something or that it will make you rich overnight, you are "so" wrong. To succeed you must invest. Small investments are possible. I will give you those ways as we progress. Your biggest investment will be your time. You have to devote "at least" 1-hour a day to this or you will go nowhere. You will devote more time as you progress but that hour will keep you motivated. In the last two months, I’ve learned that giving up is easy and dedication and drive will be a big key to your success. I will be right beside you as we learn together.

Now, my first lead for you, which I think is a great place for you to start learning this business is SFI. SFI is a growing auction and sales site similar to EBay but with some major differences. They now have over 4,300 items for sale. You can buy, bid on penny auctions, or sell.
Their program is free and they offer several tools and training modules to help you become a success. I made Executive Affiliate in the first week I was a member. If you want to do that, you must complete all your To-Do list items within 24 hours. Easy to do plus, I suggest going through the training course in one sitting instead of doing 1 per day as they suggest.

So, your first assignment is to click on the SFI link and sign up (remember, it's free) and start reading everything there and do your to do list. If you finish your profile and upload your picture, you get 500 points which sets you on your way to qualifying for Executive Affiliate.

I also discovered a software program that I like. I am thinking about buying it in the next couple of weeks. It would help to automate some of affiliate submissions and possibly rank you higher in search engines:
Commission Autopilot

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